
蟹肉沙律配檸檬薄餅(Cornish crab salad on lemon blini)

鍋煮血鴨配水果醬(Pressed duck terrine with fruit chutney)

山羊芝士焦糖核桃肉卷(Roulade of goats' cheese with caramelised walnuts)

蝴蝶酥及芝士餅乾條雜錦(Assortment of palmiers and cheese straws)

蘇格蘭煙三文魚配甜菜根薄餅(Scottish smoked salmon rose on beetroot blini)

西洋菜蘆筍批(Miniature watercress and asparagus Tart)

荷蘭醬水煮蘆筍(Poached asparagus spears with Hollandaise sauce)

香芹鹽鵪鶉蛋(Quails eggs with celery salt)

蛋黃醬蘇格蘭小龍蝦、油醃豬腩配淡水螫蝦及脆肉(Scottish langoustines with lemon mayonnaise pressed confit of pork belly with crayfish and crackling)

野生蘑菇芹菜批(Wild mushroom and celeriac chausson)

捲心菜馬鈴薯伴醃羊肩(Bubble and squeak with confit shoulder of lamb)

芥末蜜汁燴香腸(Grain mustard and honey-glazed chipolatas)

豌豆牛油果醬炸魚餅(Smoked haddock fishcake with pea guacamole)

小約克郡布丁配燒牛排山葵慕絲(Miniature Yorkshire pudding with roast fillet of beef and horseradish mousse)

法式歌劇院蛋糕(Gateau opera)

血橙法式水果軟糖(Blood orange pate de fruit)

覆盆子金磚蛋糕(Raspberry financier)

大黃法式燉蛋批(Rhubarb creme brulee tartlet)

熱情果核桃糖(Passion fruit praline)

松露軟心白朱古力 (White chocolate ganache truffle )

牛奶朱古力核桃糖配果仁(Milk chocolate praline with nuts )

松露軟心黑朱古力(Dark chocolate ganache truffle )

餐酒:Pol Roger NV 珍藏香檳

